Modified Microstrip Beveled E-Shaped Two Element Antenna Array for Millimeter Wave Application
The microstrip antenna is mainly used for wireless communication. This paper proposes Multiband E-shaped antenna array. This design improves the bandwidth, gain and directivity with low return loss. The millimeter wave communication range is 20 – 60GHz. E shaped antenna has two resonant frequencies and mainly used for millimeter wave communication. The designed antennas have low profile, easy fabrication, low cost and good isolation. The simulation and measurement results of refection co-efficient and radiation pattern are presented. The design is suitable for array applications with respect to a given frequency of 36.67 GHz –56.67GHz. This antenna design can be simulated using ADS software. The Method of Moments (MOM) is used to design the Eshaped antenna and its array. In case of MOM technique which are used to find out the solution of Green’s function.
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