Free Space Optics Performance, Issues and Applications
“Comparative study of the performance of analog fiber optic links versus free-space optical links” Hakki H. Refai,James J. Sluss Jr.,Hazem H. Refai Optical Engineering, February 2006/Vol. 45(2),SPIE
“Free Space Optical Laser Communication Link” Andrew W. Rebeiro and Rodney Tan,JASA July 2006.
Free-Space Optics for Fixed Wireless Broadband Pramadityo Tjondronegoro, Advisor: Roger Abou-Jaoud,IEEE journal 2004
”Performance Evaluation of Next Generation Free-Space Optical Communication System” Kamugisha KAZAURA†a), Member, Kazunori OMAE†, Student Member, Toshiji SUZUKI, IEICE TRANS. ELECTRON., VOL.E90–C, NO.2 FEBRUARY 2007
”Data Security in Free Space Optics”, FSO Technological Paper, www.mrv.com
”Understanding the performance of free-space optics [Invited]”, Scott Bloom, Eric Korevaar, John Schuster, Heinz Willebrand, June 2003 / Vol. 2, No. 6 / JOURNAL OF OPTICAL NETWORKING
”Atmospheric Channel Effects OnTerrestrial free space optical communication links”W. Popoola, Z. Ghassemlooy, M. S. Awan, and E. Leitgeb, ECAI 2009 - International Conference,july 2009.
“Free-Space Optics: A Viable, Secure Last-Mile Solution? “SANS Institute 2002, As part of the Information Security Reading Room.
“Free Space Optics (FSO) as an Alternative for the Transmission of High-speed Digital Signals and for the Provision of Special Services” Jose Antonio Alvarez Loyo Yates Albanet, March 11, 2009
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