Improving LLEAP Performance by Determining Sufficient Number of Uniformly Distributed Sensor Nodes
As selecting an appropriate number of nodes before
Wireless Sensor Network deployment is important and it is difficult and inefficient to be done by simulation, a method for achieving that is requisite. This paper represents a performance modification to the Low Loss Energy_Aware routing Protocol (LLEAP) by developing a new algorithm consists of simple mathematical equations for determining the suitable number of nodes for Wireless Sensor Network applications’ deployments and applying it to LLEAP network such that the essential node redundancy in Wireless Sensor
Network could be exploited such that a good behavior with respect to lifetime, accuracy, fault tolerance, coverage, and connectivity are attained. Also this paper proposes a coverage method suitable to theproposed nodes’ number determination method and applies it to the LLEAP protocol to test its performance. The simulation results show that the modified protocol, which is the Adaptive Low Loss Energy_Aware routing Protocol (ALLEAP), improves LLEAP in terms of lifetime and throughput by on average 22.34% and 40.7% respectively, and the delay is decreased only by about 2.1%, so the
modified protocol (ALLEAP) is better for the applications that require long lifetime and are tolerable to delay.
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