Secure and Robust Localization in Wireless Network Protection
Measures adopted to prevent the unauthorized use; misuse, modifications, or denial of use of knowledge, facts, data, or capabilities in the network is called Network security. Security is defined as freedom from danger, safety; freedom from fear or anxiety. Security continues to be an issue for organizations. This presentation describes about the network on wireless technologies and the need of securing it. It explains various techniques (attacks) that are adopted by the hackers to destroy the network. It throws light over the most efficient techniques used to secure the network from unauthorized persons.
The main problem related to network security evaluation criteria is the lack of a network understanding. When computers are networked together, new security problems occur and old problems behave in different ways. To solve all these kinds of problems, the technologies have been evolved in these years, which had shown a marvelous improvement in network security. Communications and emissions security were sufficient when Teletype sent messages. Networking and web technologies have evolved which made a wonderful and mass change in the computer field. The information on the web became accessible to anyone who had access to the web. This gave rise to the need for network security.
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