Next Generation Cellular Network: A Review on 5G
In this paper we have tried presenting a all-inclusive assessment of 5G cellular networks. 5G will be the coming fifth-generation wireless broadband technology will be based on the IEEE 802.11ac standards. An noteworthy aim of 5G is to expunge the transformations among wired and wireless networking to house the increasing growth of mobility and network users. It is believed that 5G will work at a better speeds and provide better coverage when compared to current 4G networks. 5G is expected to operate with a 5Ghz signal and is established to offer speeds of up to 1 Gb/s for tens of connections or tens of Mb/s for tens of thousands of connections. Huawei, who ia one of the leading vendors of 5G claims that 5G will provide speeds hundred times faster than 4G LTE offers. 5G has advantage over other networks as it also rises network expandability up to hundreds of thousands of connections. The paper begins by providing an overview of existing surveys that deal with 4G and 5G cellular networks. Then, we give a idea of 5g vendors .understanding the working of 5g, uses of 5G, projects on 5G and comparisons of 5G with other current networks
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