The Next Generation Wireless Communication Technology: Overview of Li-Fi
In today’s world approximately every person is using internet to fulfill their tasks using a wireless or a wired network. It is often exasperating, when the slow speed of network leads to limited connectivity and long processing hours. The speed of internet is a foremost concern for everyone be it home, business, entrepreneurs, organizations and institutions is propel for getting precise information at the right time and place, which requires rapid internet connectivity and huge spectrum of channels. The Wireless-Fidelity (Wi-Fi) provide the speed of 150Mbps, according to the Standards of IEEE 802.11n, which is not sufficient to satisfy the requirements demanded by users over the network. In order to eradicate the limitations of Wi-Fi, a new technology Li-Fi can be used. Li-Fi stands for Light Fidelity which was proposed by the German physicist Harald Haas in 2011 TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) Global Talk on Visible Light Communication. Li-Fi is a wireless communication system which uses light as a carrier signal instead of traditional radio waves used in Wi-Fi. This paper demonstrates a brief overview about Li-Fi technology. Li-Fi can obtain the speed of about 10Gbps. Li-Fi is a wireless optical networking technology which uses light emitting diodes (LEDs) for data transmission. The term Li-Fi refers to Visible Light Communication (VLC) technology in which light acts as a medium to deliver high-speed communication in a manner similar to Wi-Fi. Li-Fi is more energy and bandwidth efficient and more secure when compared to Wi-Fi. Li-Fi can be used along with Wi-Fi, hand in hand both would provide a great wireless communication has the limitations of Wi-Fi are overcome by Li-Fi and since Li-Fi can be implemented on in short distances which is overcome by Wi-Fi.
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