Steganography Using Genetic Algorithm Along with Visual Cryptography for Mobile Environment Applications
The term image steganography is an important field in the term of research for securing the data and transmission through networks. The current system proves the important procedure for minimum bits which relay on steganography which is based on Genetic Algorithm (GA) through the Visual Cryptography (VC). The real message is changed into cipher text with the help of secret key and then store into the LSB of real image. The things like Genetic Algorithm and Visual Cryptography is mainly used for ensure the security concepts. Genetic Algorithm is can easily modify the pixel content as well as the location of stego image. Visual Cryptography is mainly focused on encrypting the visual data. This can be easily done by dividing the image into two share base on a threshold. The result of the current system is analyzed by doing the steganalysis and also conducting the various test cases for analyzing the mile stones to improve the quality factors. The main objectives of this current system are to develop an enhanced secure algorithm which includes the cryptography plays an important role in terms of both security as well as reliability.
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