Engineering Students’ Perceptions on Online Class Given through Google Classroom
Given the present health condition of the world, the education sector designed alternative learning delivery modalities. To give a response to the emerging method of education, higher education students must be equipped with technical knowledge and skills. On this background, this study evaluated the perception of students on online learning using Google Classroom. It involves seventy-one (71) engineering students from Palawan State University-Main campus, Puerto Princesa City, Palawan, the Philippines who were identified using a simple random sampling technique. Descriptive statistics such as weighted mean indicates that the engineering students’ perceptions on an online class given through google classroom as to the time spent on coursework, and purpose of giving coursework were described as fairly favorable. On the other hand, their perceptions on an online class as to parental involvement were identified as unfavorable. Using multiple linear regression analysis, results further show that the engineering students’ perceptions of an online class in terms of time spent on coursework, the purpose of giving coursework, and parental involvement are not dependent on their profile. However, it is worthy to consider that the students’ perceptions of an online class in terms of parental involvement are dependent on the students’ profile as to the family’s monthly income.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.36039/AA012021002.
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