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Profile Based Ontology Tool for Web Information Retrieval

M. Uma, B. Muruganantham


The model for knowledge description and formalization, ontology‟s are widely used to represent user profiles in personalized web information retrieval. However, when representing user profiles, many models have utilized only knowledge from either a global knowledge base or user local information. In this paper, a profile based ontology model is proposed for knowledge representation and reasoning over user profiles. Using user history and user profile, user relevant information will be retrieved. This model learns ontological user profiles from both a world knowledge base and user local instance repositories. The ontology model is evaluated using profile ontology environment (POE).This environment provide the profile based relevant information from the web and also it discover the knowledge of user interest based on the user profile. The ontology search results show that this ontology model is successful.


Local Instance Repository, Profile Based Ontology Model, World Knowledge Base

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