A Well-Organized Privacy Preserving Ordered Keyword Search on Mapreduce Processing
Cloud documents in an encrypted form for the purpose of privacy preserving. It is essential to develop the efficient and reliable cipher text search techniques. The volume of data in data centers has a dramatic growth. This make to design cipher text search that provide reliable online information retrieval on large volume of encrypted data. A hierarchical clustering method to support more search and meet the demand for fast cipher text search. The hierarchical approach clusters based on the minimum relevance threshold and then partitions resulting the clusters into sub-clusters until the maximum size of cluster is reached. In the search phase, this can reach a linear computational complexity that will size increase of document collection. To verify the search results, a structure called minimum hash sub-tree is designed. The results show that increase the documents in the dataset that search time method increases the linearly whereas the search time of the traditional method increases exponentially.. In this paper, this method increases linearly which shows increased performance in searching of data.
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