A Study on Association between Works Related Demographic Variables and Talent Management Practices in Information Technology Companies
The notion “human capital” or the people working the organization make all the difference are gradually given rise to strategic concept – “Talent Management” in today‟s highly competitive world. According to Mr. Balaji Chandrakumar, Associate Vice president – Learning solutions, “Human capital management is all about acquiring, managing and developing the human capital. Orgainsations today are increasingly becoming aware of the fact that their human capital is the only differentiating factor in a globally competitive market” (Sayanti Banerjee, 2008). In the past Talent management was more bottom up approach, focusing on the employee lifecycle, starting with hiring. The second generation of talent management was built around to support the employee experience. But now many companies in India has moved to the third generation of talent management where first and foremost focus is on aligning talent to strategy execution. This paper is based on a survey conducted among 572 employees, it attempts to investigate the association between Work related demographic variables such as Monthly income, Experience and Designation with respect to level of satisfaction on Talent management practices. The respondents were software development executives from Chennai IT companies.
The association between work related demographic variables and level of satisfaction on talent management practice was measured using Chi square analysis. The result showed a significance association between monthly salary and level of satisfaction on talent management practices. Employees who earn Rs 45000 – 55000 showed high level of (40%) satisfaction on talent management. This finding coincides with the study conducted by “institute for employment studies” (Bevan, 1997), hence it is concluded that retaining the experienced persons in the organization depend upon a number of factors in assertion to – pay and perquisites.
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