Karnaugh Map Model for Mining Association Relationships in Web Content Data: Hypertext
Web content mining refers to description and discovery of useful information from the web contents/data /documents.
Hypertext is one of the most common web content data that has hyperlinks in addition to text. These are modeled with multiple levels of details depending on the application. In this paper Karnaugh map model for multilevel association rule mining has been developed to investigate association relationships among hypertexts of a web site. Karnaugh map model needs single scan of data and stores the information in the form of frequency. Model adopts progressively deepening approach for finding large text sets by utilizing karnaugh map logic for finding frequent text sets at each level of abstraction. Frequent texts sets are generated by the karnaugh map model are used to discover strong association relationships among hypertexts at different levels of abstraction. Further the rules are categorized under three categories and their behavior is studied across the level of abstractions.
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