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Table of Contents
An Innovative Approach for Privacy Preserving the Identified Sensitive Rules | |
Mahmoud M. Ismail, Shawkat K. Guirguis, Mohamed M. Abo rizka | 1-12 |
A Comprehensive Study on Big Data Technologies and Challenges | |
K. Bhuvaneswari | 13-16 |
Personalized Ontology Based on Consumer Emotion and Behavior Analysis | |
R. Saranya, R. Sathya, RM. Umaiyal, P. Kanmani | 17-20 |
Cancer Prognosis Prediction Model using Data Mining Techniques | |
J. S. Saleema, P. Deepa Shenoy, K. R. Venugopal, L. M. Patnaik | 21-29 |
ABC of PPDM - Attack Based Classification of Privacy Preserving Data Mining | |
R. Mangai Begum, K. David | 30-34 |
A New Content Based Text Clustering Using Spherical Gaussian EM Algorithm | |
S.C. Punitha, R. Jayasree | 35-40 |
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ISSN: 0974 – 9578