Ambiguity Surfaces of Bi-Phase Codes using Ultra Wide Band Pulses (UWB) in High-Resolution Radar
The performance of ultra wideband (UWB) radar in target detection, resolution and recognition depends on the structure of the radar waveform. So, many types of waveforms are being used in multi target detection in the field of radar. Sinusoidal and non - sinusoidal waveforms can be implemented practically. In this paper performance of non-sinusoidal waveforms are presented. Resolution is the important parameter, which gives the goodness of the
waveform. The ambiguity function is a three dimensional and twovariable mathematical tool, which demonstrates the both range and Doppler resolution capability of the waveform. These two resolutions are important parameters to know the goodness of the transmitted waveform. In practical applications of the radar these parameters are essential to resolve the closely moving (or stationary) targets in the
space. In this paper mathematical models of ambiguity functions are developed for bi-phase coded non-sinusoidal UWB Gaussian waveforms signal. Ambiguity plots are three dimensional plots, which represent range axis, Doppler axis and magnitude axis. The three dimensional plots are generated for the above UWB coded signals and results are compared with sinusoidal coded waveforms.
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