Adaptive Fuzzy Query Approach for Measuring Time Estimation and Velocity in Agile Software Development
Software development companies needs to estimate the size of what they are building and measure the velocity or rate at which they can get work done. Depend on that information, the companies can derive the likely product development duration and the corresponding cost. The estimation in the domain of software development depends on forecasting the amount of work effort required to develop software. Estimation is usually uncertainty, imprecise and vague in nature which unfortunately is used in prediction and speculated building the entire business decisions. To estimate the close time to reality, it should depend on historical data related to that team velocity, equivalent team velocity, or tasks close to estimated tasks. Based on fuzzy set theory and data-sensitive fuzzy sets, this paper proposes a more flexible fuzzy set-based approach for supporting adaptive time estimation and velocity in agile software development according to the user profiling criteria based on rates with scalable values, accordingly time estimation and velocity will varies depend on historical data in the current database state in a human-like query manner.
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