A Survey of Energy Efficient Virtual Machine Placement in Cloud Computing
The IT industry has been upheaved by the influx of cloud computing. The extension of Cloud computing has resulted in the creation of huge data centers globally containing numbers of computers that consume large amounts of energy resulting in high operating costs. Rapid growth of the demand for computational power by scientific, business and web-applications has led to the creation of large-scale data centers consuming enormous amounts of electrical power. Large number of cloud computing system wastes a more amount of energy and emit a considerable amount of carbon dioxide. So this is important task to minimization of overall energy consume by them. This survey paper provides various approaches for Green-It that is virtualization, power management and improve exiting algorithm, energy efficient hardware. One technique is server consolidation to reduce overall energy consume by them. Another is dynamic consolidation of virtual machine placement in efficient way .Efficient virtual machine placement defines as how many virtual machines are overload and how many Virtual machines are under loaded. Based on this we can migrate virtual machine on host and shut down or turn off migrated virtual machine host. Other approach is heuristics for dynamic reallocation of VMs using live migration according to current requirements for CPU performance. In all this approach, reduction By using simulation like as Cloudsim, simGrid, Open Nebula,Greencloud etc. we can manage energy of resource and use as Energy Efficient Resource.
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