Adaptive Routing for QoS in Manet by Using Cross Layer Architecture
A mobile ad-hoc network (MANET) technology is an autonomous system of mobile routers connected by wireless links. The Adaptive routing for Quality of Service in MANET improves the performance by evaluating the combination of Network layer and MAC layer protocols with transport layer congestion control mechanisms operating in a mobile adhoc network. In IEEE 802.11 and 802.11e with Ad hoc On-Demand Distance Vector (AODV) and Dynamic Source Routing (DSR) algorithms with slow start and Arithmetic Increase and Multiplicative Decrease (AIMD) uses Distributed coordination function (DCF) and Enhanced DCF to improve QoS. In addition, Throughput, Packet delivery ratio, Packet loss, Bandwidth Delay Product will be improved. It is used to carryout the implementation of Cross layer architecture to improve the Quality of Service in MANET by IEEE 802.11 with AODV and DSR protocol using NS2 simulator.
A mobile ad-hoc network,WIMAX or WIFI,wireless mobile node
Enhancing Quality of Service in MANETS by Effective Routing J. Premalatha, Premalatha1969@yahoo.com P.Balasubramanie, pbalu_20032001@yahoo.co.in
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