Risk-Aware Approach for Handling Routing Attacks And Selfishness using RBNC in MANET
In MANET dynamic topology affects the transmission in network. Broadcasting plays a main role in packet transmission. In this, if nodes in the network keep the resource selfishly and not participate in transmission, it may be malicious. This affects the overall performance in network. Using re-broadcasting protocol RBNC (Rebroadcasting Neighbour Coverage protocol), we can reduce the high channel contention causing redundancy and we can find the trusted forwarding nodes in routing by retransmission mechanism. Routing search can be reduced using delay tolerant of intermediate node (i.e. no.of RREQ from forwarding nodes during route discovery). Thus our re-broadcasting protocol reduces the risk in routing and node selection in transmission, which is simulated in NS2 and the performance is evaluated under error model and broadcasting methodology.
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