A Energy Efficient Routing Method for Under Water Aural Sensor Network
Underwater Aural Networks (UAN’s) are very unique and can be organized for commercial and military applications. Underwater Networks consists of an erratic number of sensors and vehicles that are organized to perform collaborative monitoring tasks over a given area. One of the main issues in wireless sensor network is developing an energy-efficient routing protocol. Since the sensor nodes have limited available power, energy preservation is a critical issue in under water sensor network for nodes and network life. Most of the existing routing protocols for sensor networks don’t turn off the radio frequency completely. They speed up the energy consumption. Acoustic signal is the only feasible tool that works in under water environment. They extract signals in the presence of noise and uncertainty. In this work, we propose a MECH (Maximum Energy Cluster Head) routing protocol. It has self- configuration and hierarchical tree routing properties. A contaminated Gaussian (CG) noise model is proposed to characterize the impulsive, non-Gaussian nature of acoustic background noise observed in some real-world WSNs.
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