A Comparative Analysis of Energy Efficient SP-LEACH and Classical LEACH Protocols of WSNs
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are the networks of sensing devices called nodes, which are connected without any sought of wires. For the sake of communicating the information from nodes to the Base Station (BS), node should posses a communication unit, it is very necessary for a power supply unit to drive the communication unit. The protruding issue in any WSN is with the power consumption and Energy constraints. Senor node consumes a huge amount of power for the transmission of sensed real time information. For certain applications like in remote areas or in military applications, replacement or recharging of batteries at sensor nodes will be very challenging, where human intervention is difficult. In order to find a better solution for this problem we worked on the existing cluster based routing protocol- LEACH and designed a novel algorithm called Specialized Power (SP-LEACH), which can minimize the overall power consumption for communication in the network confirming uniform load amongst nodes which results in getting an improved energy efficient network. In turn it also enhances the life time for WSNs. Newly developed protocol, SP-LEACH is been subjected to a detailed comparison with the existing LEACH protocol and those systematic comparisons and the results obtained are clearly explained in this paper.
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