An Efficient Transmission of Data in MANET using Position Based Opportunistic Routing Protocol
Mobile Ad-hoc Network is an infra-structure less and decentralized network which need a robust dynamic routing protocol. Most existing ad hoc routing protocols are and the broadcast nature of susceptible to node mobility, especially for large-scale networks. Such an efficient routing protocol is introduced called Position based Opportunistic Routing protocol. It uses geographic routing for finding the location of all the nodes to transmit the data packets in hop by hop manner and opportunistic forwarding finding the next suitable node to forward the packets. In order to improve the efficiency of POR protocol the quality parameters are considered. For improving the quality bandwidth of the node is estimated from the MAC protocol for finding the availability of the bandwidth to transmit packet. Also the link quality is assured by finding the signal to noise ratio of each node. On considering both the parameters the data packet is forwarded through the best nodes. On comparing the results of data transmission using POR protocol with the quality assured POR (EPOR) protocol the efficiency is improved in EPOR protocol.
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