Authenticated Anonymous Secure Routing for Mobile Adhoc Networks
Data forwarding process or different anonymous communications are important in the Mobile adhoc networks (MANETs).The process lack of an efficient proactive secure routing with strong source capability. Also, different anonymous communication process without secure in the routing. Although a number of anonymous secure routing protocols have been proposed, the requirement is not fully satisfied. Opportunistic data forwarding refers to a way in which data packets are handled in a multihop wireless network. In this paper, we propose a new routing protocol, i.e., authenticated anonymous secure routing (AASR), to satisfy the requirement and defend the attacks. A major requirement on the network is to provide unidentifiability and unlinkability for mobile nodes. The anonymous communication and efficient data forwarding. Because many routing protocol cannot obtain network topology information efficiently. The route request packets are authenticated by a group, to defend the potential active attacks without unveiling the node identities. The key- encrypted with a route secret verification message, is designed to prevent intermediate nodes from inferring a real destination.
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