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Comparison of Wavelengths for Various Atmospheric Effects on FSO Link – A Comprehensive Study of Atmospheric Turbulence, Attenuation & Scattering, and Spatial & Temporal Detection Techniques

A. Jabeena, Sandeep Gottipati, K. Mishra


The performance of free space optical communication (FSOC) links is adversely affected by several factors that are associated with the medium of signal transfer, i.e. free space. In this paper, we study the effect of atmospheric turbulence, attenuation & aerosol scattering on the FSO link. We also propose spatial & temporal detection techniques to mitigate turbulence effects. All the comparative studies are carried out at three different feasible wavelengths and the most suitable wavelength for real-time FSO link is proposed.



Aerosol Scattering, Atmospheric Turbulence, Attenuation, FSO Link, Maximum-Likelihood (ML) Symbol-by-Symbol Detection, Maximum Likelihood Sequence Detection (MLSD) ON–OFF Keying (OOK), Spatial Detection, Temporal Detection.

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