A Survey on Various Aspects of Quantum Cryptography
In the era of information technology the need for secure communication has become increasingly important. Cryptography is a technology for creating the core of information security we use cryptography for making data secure which is the science of information protection from unauthorized interception and tempering. Most modern cryptographic studies design cryptosystems and algorithms using mathematical concepts which are based either on factorization or on discrete logarithm problem. In recent years quantum information research has lead to the discovery of a number of remarkable new paradigms for information processing and communication. These developments include quantum cryptography schemes that offer unconditionally secure information transport guaranteed by quantum-mechanical laws, which provide protection of system security, and optimization of system efficiency and detects intrusion and wiretap. Today quantum cryptography is used in various application for transferring secure data without the fear of keys being compromised. This paper reviews the various areas where quantum cryptography is successfully implemented, its advantages disadvantages & technical issues.
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