AODV-TP and Wormhole Attack Detection in MANET
With the evolution of computer networks extending boundaries, Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANET) has emerged as a new leading edge of technology to provide any where, any time communication. Unlike wired network, the mobile ad hoc network does not need any infrastructure, so it is very difficult to perform any kind of centralized anagement and control. The routing in Mobile adhoc network is difficult and number of reactive routing protocols like AODV, DSR, and DSDV has been implemented. In the first part of this work, we propose a new algorithm AODV-TP to improve existing on demand routing protocol and an attempt has been made to compare the performance of proposed algorithm (AODV-TP) with existing algorithm DSR and AODV. Ad hoc networks are susceptible to number of attacks, due to precise physical protection of each node and changeable nature of connection security in mobile ad hoc is distinctly difficult to achieve. This paper introduces the wormhole attack, a severe attack in ad hoc network that is very stimulating to defend against. This paper proposes an easiest way to detect wormhole attacks using RBM technique. The presented method shows that solution can be implemented using reactive protocol called AODV-TP.
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