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A Guide to Ethical Hacking Attacks and Recent Tools

B.L. Anupama, Arya Vijayakumaran Nair, Bastian Babu


“To beat a hacker you need to think like a hacker”. Ethical hacking can be used to identify vulnerabilities in a system and it attempts to increase security. Ethical hacking also called penetration testing to test and check possible weak links and vulnerabilities. An ethical hacker neither damage a target system nor steal information. Businesses and other organization hire ethical hackers to improve their network or computers security. Many tools are used to hack a system or network by ethical hackers to identify the vulnerabilities, same tools can be used by crackers to penetrate in to the system. This paper describes what is ethical hacking, phases of ethical hacking and some tools used by ethical hackers.


Hacker, Ethical Hacking, Cracker.

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