A Comparative Study on Routing Protocols in VANET and MANET
Vehicle Ad-hoc Network (VANET) is a type of Mobile Ad-hoc Network (MANET), used to provide communications between nearby vehicles devices and to provide guidance between vehicles with fixed infrastructure. This allows vehicles to communicate with themselves or roadside equipment; such information can be used for various purposes such as security, comfort, or entertainment. VANET is a subset of MANET [1]. Mobile Ad-hoc Network (MANET) is a type a Wireless network, it is a self-configured network that allows mobile nodes to join or leave the network at any time. Mobile is moving the locations without any fixed infrastructure or centralized administration, without a specific kind of infrastructure. This is a dynamic network, a set of wireless mobile terminals to communicate with each other without the use of any centralized power device. The major concern or main issue on the MANET due to its widening nature steering.
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