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A Survey on Grid Scheduling Algorithms-Problems and Directions

G. Saravanan, Dr.V. Gopalakrishna


Grid computing is one of the fast growing kind of network communication and at present grid computing is an active field of doing research. The major objective of Grid computing is to combine the power of extensively distributed resources, and offer non-trivial services to all the users according to their needs. In order to realize this objective, an effective Grid scheduling algoithm is a fundamental part of the Grid computing. Scheduling plays an significant role for the effective performance of the Grid computing. Although middleware support for grid computing has been the major field of research, scheduling algoithms for the grid computing have not been much investigated. It is necessary to take care of the waiting time, throughput and response times of jobs together with the processor utilization for the purpose of assessing the performance of grid scheduling algoithms. In this survey, the challenges for Grid scheduling are identified and several Grid scheduling algorithms are discussed from different aspects. Their advantages and disadvantages are pointed out and discussed the various problems found in the existing Grid Scheduling algorithms and provided directions for future developments.


Grid Computing System, Earliest Deadline First (EDF), First Come First Serve (FCFS), Heterogeneity, Autonomy

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