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Resource Reservation in Private Cloud

Bharti Ainapure, Ajinkya L. Pawar, Laxman C. Kumbhakar, Virendra C. Oswal, Nikhil S. Tarale


The limitation of private cloud is that it has constrained resources. In this constrained environment, there are situations where requests for resource need to be prioritized, and Eucalyptus has no provision for prioritizing the requests. For example, in a college campus scenario: practical examinations, seminars, workshops, etc., should be given higher priority, in the allocation of resources, than the usual practical session user requests. Eucalyptus allocates the resources at the request of the virtual machine, Best Effort Machine, using the Greedy or Round Robin algorithm. These requests are handled on a first-come-first-serve-basis. The solution that we are going to present in this paper will have a provision for reserving the resources in advance. At any instant, an advance reservation request will have priority over Best Effort requests. If the universal resources are sufficient to satisfy the advance reservation request, then resources are allocated to it; and if they are not, then a sufficient number of Best Effort virtual machines will be suspended, and resources will be freed. These free resources will then be given to the Advance Reservation virtual machine. After the end of the reservation period, the suspended Best Effort virtual machines will be reactivated. 


Cloud, Cloud Computing, Infrastructure as a Service (IAAS), Hypervisor, Cluster Controller (CC), Node Controller (NC), Cloud Controller (CLC),Advance Reservation(AR),Best Effort(BE).

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