Service Driven Query Routing for Wireless Sensor Networks
In recent years, there has been a growing interest in service oriented architecture for wireless sensor networks which ease the programming and decouple the application development from the low level details of the nodes and networks. However, there are many fundamental problems that sensor networks research will have to address in order to realize the potential of service oriented wireless senor networks. Chief among them is power. Since the nodes in the wireless sensor networks are energy constraint appropriate routing protocol can drastically reduce the energy consumption and enhance the lifetime of the network. In this paper we propose Energy efficient Service driven Query Routing protocol (ESQR). ESQR routes the query based on the service requested. It makes use of hierarchical, distributed and unequal clustering protocol in which transmission range of the node changes dynamically based on the residual energy and the distance from the base station. Simulation results show that our approach is scalable, minimizes energy consumption, extends the network lifetime and reduces the query latency.
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