Design of Online Loan System for Bank
The Unified Modeling Language (UML) serves the coder (Programmer or Developer) to objective the complexity of a problem domain by reflecting the problem not as a group of functions that can be excuted but firstly as a set of inter - related, integrated Objects. For better visualization of software system, we use the UML diagrams. This research paper is based on Unified Modeling Language (UML) for an Online Loan System in banking sector. The main objective of this research paper is to provide a real condition of liabilities of customer toward their family, who want the loan from bank. It will help the bank to find the credibility of customer and which reduce the number of defaulter customers. It will also save the processing time and which help the bank to reduce the processing fees involved in loan process. This paper includes the UML Case and Class diagram are also designed for Online Loan System of bank.
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