Visual and audio entertainment via cable, satellite systems are evolving to IPTV and P2PTV based systems. Commercial P2P streaming servers like Zattoo, Joost are some Content Delivery Networks (CDN) based on peer-to-peer architecture. When content is a static feed data delivery is better in broadcast based systems. But as the user’s volume for dynamic content soars up, internet scale search and data delivery beats any broadcast based systems. This is essentially the driving force behind P2P Streaming Services. P2P systems are usually classified as either tree-based push or mesh-based swarming and Zatto happens to be a hybrid. Previously for performance improvement in Zattoo like systems receiver-based peer-division multiplexing engine involving repeater nodes to deliver live streaming content on a p2p network was developed. This hybrid approach happens to be a resource drain with performance and scalability issues. Such an implementation can only be handled by commercial systems like Zattoo. Considering medium and small scale streaming systems we propose to use P2PStreaming services governed by Delaunay Triangulation protocol. The paper presents an algorithm to build each peer with Delaunay links incrementally by including random peers returned from P2P network querying or accessing the same content. The algorithm is then optimized by considering the Euclidean distance between peers to speed up the overlay convergence thus improving content loading delays at same time supporting many other peers. A practical implementation of the proposed system validates our claim.
Delaunay Triangulation, Cool Streaming, Multicasting, Random Peers, P2p Network Querying, and Peer-To-Peer Technology.
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