Genetic Algorithm Based Clustering and Routing Optimization in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
Ad hoc networks are wireless, infrastructure less, multi-hop and dynamic network, established by a collection of mobile nodes which provide envisioned features and applications to the modern communication technologies and services. In ad hoc networks clustering technique nodes are formed together and arranged in a group. Due to the dynamic topology of ad hoc network the cluster head (CH) election and route optimization are considering as the complicated processes [1] [2]. In this paper, we used the genetic algorithm (GA) for the CH election and route optimization in mobile ad hoc networks. For this optimization technique we have chosen some parameters such as degree difference, battery power, degree of mobility and sum of the distance of a node of mobile ad hoc networks[7][12]. Simulation results are conducted to evaluate theproposed approach average number of clusters in various environments and its route construction to find, the shortest and a very good path between the source to destination in ad hoc networks.
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