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Table of Contents
Enhanced Context-Aware Network Coded Repetition with Privacy-Preserving Scheme and Traffic Congestion Avoidance in Vehicular Ad-Hoc Network | |
Dr. P. Boobalan, B. Nivetha, S. Saieswari Goliate, S. Sharmila | 37-41 |
Increasing Network Lifetime by Using Minimal E2E Delay Routing Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks | |
C. Priyadarsini, Dr. R. Prema | 42-44 |
Energy Efficiency Using Particle Swarm Optimization with Secured Based Malicious Node Detection and Routing in WSN | |
N. Senthil Kumar | 45-51 |
Energy Consumption Using Sensor Node | |
E. Karpagam, Dr. P. B. Pankajavalli, R. Dharani | 52-55 |
A Recent QoS - Based Routing Protocols for WSCN: A Survey | |
R. Kanagaraj, D. Pavithra, S. Janani | 56-60 |
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ISSN: 0974 – 9640