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Table of Contents
Time Threshold and Load Balancing Based Handoff Management in Wireless Cellular Networks | |
Merkebu Tekaw, Dilip Mali, Sinshaw Bekele | 301-306 |
Performance of 8×1 COSTBC MIMO System under Different Transmit Antenna Selection Scheme with Reduced feedback bit | |
Sagar Patel, Devangkumar Patil, Dhvanit Mehta | 307-311 |
Over View of Interference Cancellation Techniques in MU-MIMO | |
Sagar Patel, Pravin Thakor, Jaimin Rami, Rahul Sathvara | 312-316 |
Timeserving Direction-Finding Algorithm with Regard to Inform Node Choice in Cellular Sensor Communities | |
A. Daison Raj, M. BalaAnand, R. Bharadhi, C. Leena | 317-323 |
HDV Platooning with Minimized Communication Delay in VANET | |
S. Shanthi, A. Padmashree | 324-328 |
IoT based Scheduling for Energy Saving in a Wireless Ecosystem | |
Mohammad Esmaeili, Shahram Jamali | 329-333 |
Review and Analysis of Macrocell Coverage Expansion Technologies | |
Seetaiah Kilaru, Adithya Gali | 334-337 |
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ISSN: 0974 – 9640