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Finding Pattern in Medical Database

Dr.V. Karthikeyani, I. Parvin Begum, K. Tajudin, I. Shahina Begam


Data mining has been heavily used in the medical fields, to include patient diagnosis records. Data and text mining is refers to extracting knowledge from large amount of data. It also allows users to analyze data from different dimensions .It can be great assistance to the modern information. Mining means finding patterns or trends in large data sets. Finding Pattern from hospital database (cancer database).which is designed particularly to help doctors (e.g. name, sex, address, phone number and result).Unlike the existing systems that provide the disease effected attributes are represented in the numeric format the minimum value was 5 and the maximum are 10.The concepts are presented to the user in a tabular format (report) and the report based on the result of disease. The queries are very short which enable user to click the report command to issue a flexible report even when the databases are very large. Text Mining is the automated or partially automated processing of text. The Healthcare industry is among the most information intensive industries. Medical information, knowledge and data keep growing on a daily basis. Medical informatics plays a very important role in the use of clinical data. In such discoveries pattern recognition is important for the diagnosis of new diseases and the study of different patterns found when classification of data takes place.


Textmining, Data, Rule Mining, Beginning, Crucial

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