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Block Based Data Encryption and Decryption Using the Distance between Prime Numbers

Moinak Chowdhury, Dr. Pranam Paul


In any communication, security is the most important issue in today’s world. Lots of data security and data hiding algorithms have been developed in the last decade, which worked as motivation for the research. The scenario of present day of information security system includes confidentiality, authenticity, integrity, non-repudiation. This present work focus is enlightening the technique to secure data or message with authenticity and integrity. With the growth of internet and network, the need for secure data transmission become more and more essential and important, as security is a major concern in the internet world [5]-[14]. Data likely to be kept hide from all people except from the authorized user cannot be sent in plain text. So the plain text should be codified by the process of encryption.

Each type of data has its own features; therefore different techniques should be used to protect confidential data from unauthorized access. Here we introduced a new algorithm which is based on simple mathematical operation [6]-[11]-[12]. In this algorithm encryption is done on binary file so it can be applicable for any type of data such a text as well as multimedia data. Here the same idea of cryptography is working (i.e. using key, conversion of plain text into cipher text called encryption and the Reverse, means cipher text to plain text called decryption) [1]-[3].


Cryptography, Cipher Text, Decryption, Encryption, Plain Text, Symmetric Key.

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