A New Cluster based Protocol for Wireless Sensor Actor Network
Wireless sensor and actor network (WSAN) is formed by the collaboration of micro-sensor and actor node. Whenever there is any special event i.e., fire, earth quake, flood or enemy attack in the network, sensor nodes sense it and send information towards an actor. The actor node is responsible to take prompt decision and react accordingly. Sensor nodes have limited resources which causes the deduction in network life time. Therefore it is important to efficiently utilize these resources so that the network life may extend up to its maximum level .Clustering is a new approach to efficiently utilize the energy of sensor nodes, Where the whole network is divided in to group. There is a head election in each group of sensors. The CH is responsible to gather sensed data from its underlying sensors and forward it towards actor node for necessary action instead every sensor send data to actor. This approach helps to reduce the network traffic as well as resources utilization. In this paper energy efficient and reliable clustering algorithm called Actor directed clustering Protocol (ADCP) that increases the life time of network was proposed. Our simulation results show that using ADCP the cluster head efficiently deliver data to an actor node with minimum delay and less energy consumption.
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