A Novel Approach Scheduling for Buffered Crossbar Switch
Buffered crossbar is an emerging technology and it is a special type of crossbar switch. There is a special crossbar associated with each crosspoint. The input and output contention is greatly eliminated by the introduction of the crossbar buffers and also the scheduling is greatly simplified. All the input and the output ports work independently and so it can schedule variable size packets. Variable size packets have some unique advantages when compared to fixed size packets: higher throughput, shorter packet latency, and lower hardware cost. In this paper, we present a fast and practical scheduling scheme for buffered crossbar switches called Internal Localized Buffered Scheduling (ILBS). With ILBS an input port or output port makes scheduling decisions solely based on the state information of its local crosspoint buffers. This is highly scalable. Here we have discussed about the delay and throughput for different switch sizes. It is noted that in this approach 100 percent throughput is obtained.
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