Real-Time Task Scheduling for the Performance Evaluation of Distributed Systems
A distributed system consists of a collection of autonomous computers, connected through a network and distribution middleware, which enables computers to coordinate their activities and to share the resources of the system, so that users perceive the system as a single, integrated computing facility. Distributed systems are implemented on hardware platforms that vary in size from a few workstations interconnected by a single local area network to thousands of computers connected via multiple wide area networks. This paper is an attempt to analyze the performance of the distributed system based on task clustering through an exhaustive search process. The Execution Reliability (ER), Communication Reliability (CR), Execution Time (ET) and Communication Time (CT) are considered in the study and represented in form of matrices namely ERM (,), CRM (,), ETM (,), CTM (,), respectively. These matrices are modified and manipulated according to the task combinations. The time and reliability for the distributed computing system is evaluated for each task combination. The optimal solution for distributed computing system is obtained from the calculated reliability and time values for all task combinations. Finally, the Index value, a measure of performance optimization, is obtained.
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