Towards Digital Quality Power to the Nines
The electric power system of the 21st century is at the inflection point of great technological transformation. Amidst a host of challenges that the conventional Grids are beset with, such as over stretched networks, strict environmental considerations and shifts in socio–economic factors, there is also a silver lining in the cloud, as manifested in the sense of purpose and direction that is in evidence in the efforts of the scientists, to conceptualize the 21st century smart grid that exploits the tremendous progress that has been made in digital technology and advanced materials. In this era of climate change, the priorities of the 21st century are: de carbonizing the economy in tandem with ensuring energy security, efficiency, reliability and finally the digital quality power to the nines, by recourse to what may be called a judicious integration of these imponderables with renewable energy sources. To that end, the conventional grids which are by today’s standards obsolete have to be reshaped to include digital enhancements appropriate for the vision of a Smart Grid that might supply clean power. The realization of smart grid, in fact implies an up gradation on the present grid which pre supposes the integration of new technologies at all levels of grid operation and control. These technology tweaks will go toward improving overall energy efficiency by factoring in intelligent and advanced control functions to enable greater inter operability between grids on the one hand and interaction between grid and the consumer on the other. In this study, an attempt has been made to review the incremental development of Smart Grid, towards delivering digital quality power to the nines.
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