Enhancing Peer to Peer Performance Using Sandwich Methodology
Peer-to-Peer (P2P) system has become one of the hottest research topics, its excellent characteristics of fully decentralized control and self-organizing make it attractive for some particular applications. Routing algorithm has great influence in P2P applications. Current routing algorithm concentrates on creating well organized network architecture to improve the routing performance. However, for each routing procedure, system returns location information of the requested file only and the characteristics of system workload are considered. Routing performance is critical for P2P networks to achieve high performance. Using sandwich method, the HDHTR and SDHTR are combined based on the following criteria: 1. creating a P2P ring where routing tasks are first executed in lower level ring before they go to higher level thus reducing routing overhead. 2. A super node based routing algorithm which reduce the average routing latency and cost. Hence it reduces the routing overhead and average routing latency, which thereby reduce the traffic.
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