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Performance Analysis of 802.11 MAC Protocol of Wireless Networks under Misbehaving Condition

Neha Singh Sisodiya, Dr. Sarita Singh Bhadauria


In this paper the performance of MAC Layer is seen when the number of nodes which are misbehaving increases in the wireless networks. Mobile ad hoc networks depends on the network nodes cooperation in forwarding packets due to the lack of centralized authority. A network node may incline not to cooperate with other nodes in order to save its resources due to selfishness. By analysing all parameters in misbehaving conditions the most appropriate fixed value of them can be determined in order to obtain minimize the misbehaving nodes bad performance and to improve the performance of overall network. Here qualnet 5.2 is used for analysis and simulation of the network.


Distributed Coordination Function, Legitimate Nodes, 802.11 MAC Protocol, Selfish Misbehavior

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