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Table of Contents
Performance Analysis of MANET Routing Protocols using Three Different Mobility Models | |
Suneel Kumar Daranasi, Mehajabeen Fatima, Gaurav Sharma | 813-818 |
Synchronous, Asynchronous and Slotted Time Communication Based SDR Scheme with Auto Node Detection | |
S. Leones Sherwin Vimalraj, P. Subbaiah | 819-826 |
A Study on Leakage Detection and Management of Underground Water Lines using Wireless Sensor Networks | |
M. JayaLakshmi, K. Maharajan, Dr.B. Paramasivan | 827-831 |
Enhancing Security and Qos Routing in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks | |
E. Mohanraj, Dr.K. Duraiswamy | 832-836 |
Advanced Accident Avoidance System for Heavy Vehicles Transportation | |
S. Kalaiselvan, Dr.S.K. Muthusundar, S. Vivek, Siddharth Subramanian, S. Rajeskannan | 837-839 |
Wireless Mesh Networks Quality of Service — A Survey | |
A. Narayana Rao, Dr.Ch.D.V. SubbaRao | 840-845 |
Performance Analysis of 802.11 MAC Protocol of Wireless Networks under Misbehaving Condition | |
Neha Singh Sisodiya, Dr. Sarita Singh Bhadauria | 846-849 |
Jamming-Aware Traffic Allocation for Multiple-Path Routing Using Portfolio Selection | |
Nagalatha Yannam, Anil Kumar, Dr.P. Harini | 850-854 |
Enhanced Qos in MANETs using Analysis of Routing Protocol | |
K. Venkataramana, P. Jaya Prakash, E. Prakash Babu | 855-858 |
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ISSN: 0974 – 9640