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Table of Contents
Bluetooth Wireless Technology-The Art of Networking without Any Networks | |
R. Bhojray, R.K. Dash, A.K. Pradhan | 61-67 |
Intrusion Forbearance Routing for a Wireless Sensor Network using Dismissal Supervision of Multipath Routing (IFROST) | |
A. Ancey Sneha, A. Antony Prakash | 68-71 |
Analysis on Fractal Antennas at Microwave Frequencies | |
V. M. Unadkat, V.V. Dwivedi, A.M. Kothari | 72-77 |
Street Lighting System using ZigBee Network of Devices and Sensors | |
A. Priyanga, V. Sivaranjani, S. Subashini, R. Ezhilarasi | 78-80 |
Distinctive Self Provable Information Control in Multi Cloud Environment | |
R. Malarvizhi | 81-83 |
A Survey on IT Management and Control Frameworks for Cloud Computing | |
Pranav P. Gupta | 84-87 |
Source Privacy using SAMA Architecture in Wireless Sensor Networks | |
K. G. Vishnu, Chinchu Jacob | 88-93 |
Malicious Packet Dropping Detection in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks based on Public Auditing Architecture | |
P.D. Mithun Dev, Anju Augustin | 94-100 |
Efficient Code Dissemination in Wireless Sensor Network using Link Quality | |
Eldho Skaria, George T Vadakkumcheril | 101-106 |
Secure Data Storage in Cloud with Decentralized Access Control Scheme and Anonymous Authentication | |
S. RamaLakshmi, V. Suganya, B. Saranya, V. Srinivasan | 107-110 |
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
ISSN: 0974 – 9640